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glastonbury, Somerset, United Kingdom

Sunday, 30 October 2011

Alan Dearling - Not only but also

This free to download collection of writings covers alot of the festival scene and talks in depth about Wally Hope both before and during the Stonehenge years.It includes letters that Phil wrote in 1967 from his prison cell x
Thanks to Alan Dearling

HELEN HATT reads Wally's letters at Stonehenge 2011

Helen Hatt reads from Wallys letters at the Summer Solstice ritual at Stonehenge 2011.She is a stonehenge veteren ,who was one of the first to be arrested at the beanfield and for many years was the caretaker of Wally's box.
Helen Hatt reads Wally


Penny Rimbaud was a very close friend of Wally and talks in this interview about his experiences with and after Wally.

Thursday, 27 October 2011


Below is a link to an amazing site about the free festival movement which included this ultra rare flyer for

CJ Stone excerpt from Fierce Dancing

In the afternoon I met Chris Wally. He'd been one of the Wally Tribe. He was very drunk. Chris Wally doesn't live in a Tepee (he doesn't even call himself Chris Wally anymore): he lives in the only house in the entire valley, a grim, grey cottage, devoid of light. He talked a little about Wally Hope. He thought it was no wonder that Phil had been certified back then. He must have sounded mad with all his strange declarations: "I am the Son of the Sun. Acid is the Sacrament." All that stuff. And he pooh-poohed the idea of any kind of conspiracy. The powers-that-be, they're just greedy. You don't need any of that conspiracy theory stuff to explain their motivations. Their motivation is profit, that's all. They don't need to get together in secret meetings. They share the same motivation. It's a kind of understanding. Events like Wally Hope's death are the accidental side-effect of this. Not intentional: a conspiracy of accidents. His death was brought on as much by his own intransigence - and by their failure to understand what he was trying to say - as by any dark conspiracy.
He was talking very loudly. It was a declamation not a conversation. He wouldn't answer any questions. He was impenetrable in his drunken armour. I had the feeling of a cover-up. Not a conspiracy, you understand: a kind of understanding with himself. He was one of the people who had been in the house when Wally Hope was busted. He was one of those who'd got on with the '75 festival oblivious to Phil Russell's fate. Of course he'd never meant him to die. He wasn't guilty in any way. He'd have been very young at the time. All that was gone now. If he'd ever believed in Wally Hope's miracles, it had no meaning for him now. He was sticking doggedly to the facts. Too old for youthful fantasies. Too old for any wild talk of conspiracies and the rest. He was just trying to get on with his life. What else was there to do?
I recognised a bitterness in his tone. It wasn't that I disagreed with his analysis (personally I'm both drawn to and suspicious of conspiracy theory): it's just that he seemed too forceful in his argument, too quick in his rejection of what has come to be a mythology of the movement. How did Wally Hope die? Well, he died. And he left all of his friends behind.

Last of the Hippies by Penny Rimbaud


'The first dream that I remember is of myself holding the hand of an older man, looking over a beautiful and peaceful valley - suddenly a fox broke cover followed by hounds and strong horses ridden by red-coated huntsmen. The man pointed into the valley and said, "That, my son, is where you're heading. "I soon found that out, I am the fox!'
Phil Russell. 1974.

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Wally at Glastonbury Free 71

This picture was taken by Ron Reid (Tomorrow People) and shows Wallys hope shirt well.Unfortunatly it is owned by an image bank and would cost around £500 to use .

Naked Hippy

Naked protest at Stonehenge possibly 1974-75.Probaly Clarence Wally otherwise known as Fritz
Heavy use of Razor wire yuck

These photos are still from a 1974 news item about the trashing of the Windsor Free Peoples Festival in 1974.Towards the end of the report it was mentioned that a group of festival goers headed to Stonehenge to join the Wallies at Fort Wally.Incidently i have been attending the public inquiry for the last three weeks hoping to keep this drove open to all x If you wish to support this case go to King Arthurs page on Facebook. Ta x Wally Dean

Wallys last recorded words (Watchfield 1975)

After recuperating at the Hatfields and at Dial House in Essex,Wally decided that he wished to travel to the Watchfield Festival.Here he was interviewed on film (wish Im going to be seeing) by John 'Hoppy' Hopkins the editor of International Times.Four days later Wally passed away.

Memories of Wally by Jake Stratton Kent

These writings are by Jake Wally and were published in a magazine called Occulture (C197?).I have had the pleasure of meeting him on a couple of occassions x Ta Jake

Wallys Obituary by Heathcote Williams (I.T 1975)

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Wally Stonehenge 1974

Wally Hope at the first STONEHENGE FREE PEOPLES FESTIVAL 1974 (photo by Basil Brooks of Zorch)

Bev Richardson ???

This photo (by Alan Lodge) shows Bev during the 1976 solstice ceremony when Wallys ashes were scattered at the stones.If anyone can put me in contact with Bev it would be greatly appreciated.

The poster for Stonehenge by Roger Hutchinson

This poster was designed during a conversation between Wally and the late Roger Hutchinson on the drove on the second of september 1974 (a year and a day before Wally's demise).I had the pleasure of knowing Roger, and for anyone who has seen Festivals Britannia,he was wearing this design on a tshirt i got him.I may be able to get more of these t shirts if anyone is interested and i also have a hi def version of this poster if anyone wishes to print some x Roger died last year on the anniversary of Wally's death.He is greatly missed

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Free Stoned Henge Rocks Off

Here we see Wallys love for EE Cummings as the "Solstice" poem is used again. This flyer was again printed at the Crass HQ Dial House.The picture of the Turin Shroud was used as Phil was always carrying a copy and treated it as a holy icon.This probably stemmed from an LSD experience in Cyprus in 1960,where he became convinced he had met the re incarnated Jesus.(he was also said to constantly carry a picture of a reclining nude.I wonder who she was ?)
The drawings on each side of the shroud were drawn by a pre Crass Gee Vaucher.The picture at the bottom is Phil talking of his vision at Windsor Free Peoples Festival in 1973 (photographer unknown?)
The second side had a passage from the Amitabha (anyone know it ?) ,a "Union Wally" and also Phils most famous quote.....
And just check out the address x

Echoes of the South 1974

This picture and article were written during the first High Court case by the "Southern Echo".Unfortunately I haven't found the rest of the article from the back page.

From the "Mail"point of view.

This was also published at the time of the first High Court appearance in August 1974,by everyones least favourite the Daily Mail.They sent their reporter John Edwards to the Stonehenge encampment "Fort Wally" to report the scene.

Sign of the Times 1974

This is the article the "Times" ran at the time of the first case at Londons High Court.This case was adjourned for a week as the Wallies didnt have a legal defence. This was surprisingly taken on by a young QC who I beleive had defended other such cases on behalf of the legal rights charity "Release"

Man Power Ha Ha ! 1974

This is the second poem that Wally printed and used to promote the 1974 gathering. He seems to have had a love for E E Cummings,and as it has inspired me to read more I understand why .

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Off the floor 74

Above is a poem that Wally used to promote the first Stonehenge Free Peoples Festival in 1974.This is as it originally appeared,after being printed at Dial House.It also has one of Phils sun doodles which would end up inspiring the "Union Wally" a smiley "acid" face in the centre of the Union Jack.
Wally would then be seen in hippy-chic Notting Hill handing them out and telling people of his vision.

Friday, 25 February 2011

Judge gives Wallies their marching orders,1974

Up The Pole ! Its the High Court Wallies

Wallies seeking Justice 1974

This lovely photo of the Wallies outside the High Court in London (Aug 12th 1974) has been donated to the archive by Justice Wally.Big love to him.
From left to right , ?, Wally Egypt, Alan ?, 
Sir Wally Raleigh (AKA Sir Walter Wally,Tim Abbott,)
Clarence Wally (Aka Fritz) Kris Wally (Aka Scotch Wally)
and of course Phil Russell (Aka Wally Hope)

Sunday, 20 February 2011

Wally Hopes letter to the farmer 1974

While organising the First festival in 1974,Wally wrote this letter to the farmer who owned land adjacent to Stonehenge.The copys Ive seen on line were a little unclear,so here tis .x
The letter has stayed until recently with Sir Walter Wally aka Sir Wally Raleigh.He passed on at the end of last year and I am currently trying to reunite this letter with Wallys box.Wish me luck xx Wally Dean
                                                   Thanks to Wally Krys for her help with the scanning x

Sunday, 6 February 2011

Zorch at Stonehenge 1974

Until I began this research the word Zorch would have meant nothing to me.Maybe the sound of melting plastic sacks,but no.Zorch were the only band to play the first Stonehenge Free Festival in 1974

"We knew Wally Hope who got it all together. This was the first one there. So the band all piled in to the old green van and made it there." Thus was the will of the gods.

"Zorch set up stage facing the Stones, ……200 yards away .1974, it wasn't heavy at all . Not many people there . Best so far. First day the whole band played and we went down pretty well."
The following day was Basil Brookes solo set during which he completely freaked out a guy in the audience who thought he was conjuring up Dark Forces.
More Zorch can be found at Zorch .

I mention this as I was given George Bergers "The Story of Crass" inside was a photo taken by Basil of Zorch of Phil Russell enjoying life at Stonehenge 1974.I have been holding back but will show this now,even though I am still eagerly awaiting approval .I have Emailed and Flickred and Facebooked and My Spaced but to no avail.If anyone can help me contact him,please do.I would love to record his contribution to Henge Folklore and to connect Zorch back fully to the Wallies x

Saturday, 5 February 2011

Wally Hope and the Anarcho Punk movement

Penny Rimbaud (The founder of Crass)was a close friend of Phil from 1973 until his death,he was a major driving force in the preparations for the Stonehenge Free Peoples Festival.He spent a year and a half investigating the circumstances surrounding his untimely death,here he talks honestly about the experiences,the highs and the lows of his time with Wally Hope.
Penny Rimbaud and the Homage to Catatonia  
He has written a few times about Wally Hope 
His first work was a booklet given away in a Crass lp boxset.
Below is a part of that book
The Last Of The Hippies - An Hysterical Romance
More on Penny in forthcoming blog post as i cover more of his work .
I will be visiting him at Dial House soon x

Friday, 4 February 2011

Ricky Wally

As you can see your humble blogger had the pleasure of meeting Ricky Wally (and Milly Wally) at the Spring Equinox 2010.Twas a sad and poignant moment as he was reunited with Wally Hopes Box.Since then I have learnt a great deal through his postings on Tribal Living and through Facebook.He was a veteran of the camp and a major character at the London Road squats.After this he has spent time living in squats,communal farms and chasing a Wallies dream x

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Arthur Wally,Ricky Wally and Wally Woof.Hyde Park Sept 1st 1974

Sadly Arthur And Woof are no longer with us ,but Ricky Wally is still very much alive and is going to be a regular contributor to this page.I had the pleasure of metting Ricky and Milly Wally at last years spring equinox at Stonehenge x (More of Ricky in my next blog x)

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Justice Wallies

This photo of the Wallies outside the High Court Aug 1974 has been bought for the archives by a dear friend,who shall from this moment on be known in this camp as Justice Wally.
WE ARE ALL BEST MATES x(Phil Russel 1974)
A higher res version will be available soon

Friday, 28 January 2011


Nigel Ayers remembers Fort Wally
I met Nigel a while ago,and its amazing how quickly a few hours can pass when your wrapped up in conversation.Hopefully the first of many chats .He can be found here

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Hope springs eternal

Setting up "Fort Wally" on the webworld .
Welcoming you to the World Of Wally by naming you all WALLY.
               YES !                    YOU!!              YOU ARE WALLIES !!
So come on in.  Kick off those shoes.    Make a cup of tea           Relax and lets begin.