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glastonbury, Somerset, United Kingdom

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Free Stoned Henge Rocks Off

Here we see Wallys love for EE Cummings as the "Solstice" poem is used again. This flyer was again printed at the Crass HQ Dial House.The picture of the Turin Shroud was used as Phil was always carrying a copy and treated it as a holy icon.This probably stemmed from an LSD experience in Cyprus in 1960,where he became convinced he had met the re incarnated Jesus.(he was also said to constantly carry a picture of a reclining nude.I wonder who she was ?)
The drawings on each side of the shroud were drawn by a pre Crass Gee Vaucher.The picture at the bottom is Phil talking of his vision at Windsor Free Peoples Festival in 1973 (photographer unknown?)
The second side had a passage from the Amitabha (anyone know it ?) ,a "Union Wally" and also Phils most famous quote.....
And just check out the address x

Echoes of the South 1974

This picture and article were written during the first High Court case by the "Southern Echo".Unfortunately I haven't found the rest of the article from the back page.

From the "Mail"point of view.

This was also published at the time of the first High Court appearance in August 1974,by everyones least favourite the Daily Mail.They sent their reporter John Edwards to the Stonehenge encampment "Fort Wally" to report the scene.

Sign of the Times 1974

This is the article the "Times" ran at the time of the first case at Londons High Court.This case was adjourned for a week as the Wallies didnt have a legal defence. This was surprisingly taken on by a young QC who I beleive had defended other such cases on behalf of the legal rights charity "Release"

Man Power Ha Ha ! 1974

This is the second poem that Wally printed and used to promote the 1974 gathering. He seems to have had a love for E E Cummings,and as it has inspired me to read more I understand why .

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Off the floor 74

Above is a poem that Wally used to promote the first Stonehenge Free Peoples Festival in 1974.This is as it originally appeared,after being printed at Dial House.It also has one of Phils sun doodles which would end up inspiring the "Union Wally" a smiley "acid" face in the centre of the Union Jack.
Wally would then be seen in hippy-chic Notting Hill handing them out and telling people of his vision.